Re: [SG] Climate/Environment Aclamation
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 05:55:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Climate/Environment Aclamation
--- Laserlight <> wrote:
> Beth said:
> > To extend this one step further how would you deal
> with it in a game
> where
> > you're fighting in a starship or base station or
> something and the
> > artifical g goes out?
> ah HA! another person interested in combat in a
> normal environment!
> But don't forget vacuum.
Well, for vacuum I generally assume the entire ship's
company is in vacc suits and goes into combat with the
atmosphere stored or just evacuated, in order to
prevent explosive decompression.
As for artificial G, everyone is strapped into
acceleration couches except for DCPs and those are in
exoskeletons simillar to stripped-down power armor.
I'm not too worried.
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