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Re: [SG] Leader placement

From: Andy Cowell <andy@c...>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 21:19:03 -0600
Subject: Re: [SG] Leader placement

In message <>, "Brian Bell"
> Yes,
> What I would object to is if someone organized the company as follows:
>  Company Commander (Independant Figure)
>   |
>  Company Command Squad
>  _|____________		 _|_		_|_
>  Platoon Leader		 PL		PL
> (Independant Figure)		 -+-		-+-
>  -+------------		  |		 |
>   |				  |		 |
>  Platoon			 Platoon       Platoon	

Actually, this doesn't give an extra level of command, it simply gives
the PL an extra unit to activate.  It's similar to assigning the PL to
a normal squad, and letting it activate itself.  It *could* be a used
as a bit of gamemanship, but not really that bad.

My command squads are typically smaller, say 4-5 people, because for
whatever reason that's what feels realistic to me.  It's pretty much
the PL and a few riflemen to protect him.  It's not so different than

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