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Re: Escort class vessels in line of battle

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 28 Mar 2001 12:46 GMT
Subject: Re: Escort class vessels in line of battle

Hi Beth

Some "interesting" points in your post here:

>----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
>Betreff: Re: Escort class vessels in line of battle
>Datum: 28. Nov 2001 01:27

28.Nov.2001 ? Did you get a time machine for your birthday ?
What's the price of Microsoft shares on Nov. 28th ? :-)
> We get spheres, but we also get "lines of battle", pyramids, 
> crosses.....complete and utter messes when I try to do something 
> fancy, get my starboard and port screwed and fly into a planet....;)

Spheres and pyramids ? You play Full Thrust in 3D ?


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