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Re: [SG] Climate/Environment Aclamation (was RE: [OT] Canadians are C OLD....)

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 20:21:19 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Climate/Environment Aclamation (was RE: [OT] Canadians are C OLD....)

--- "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)"
<> wrote:

> Examples:
> IF fighting in artic or cold desert conditions.
> IF fighting in tropical rain forest.
> IAS fighting in hot desert.
> IAS fighting in tropical rain forest. 
> Almost anyone fighting in high altitude or low
> oxygen conditions.
> Anyone fighting in heavy atmosphere (but barely
> breathable).
> Having to fight in NBC suits (nuclear, chemical, or
> biologic warfare has
> been used or the planet has not been teraformed -
> poisonous/acidic/heavy
> metal trace elements in the air or oxygen content
> needs augmentation).

Of course, Imperial Thematic Mechanized Infantry
(Skutatoi), NRE Panzergrenadiers, and New Israeli
infantry all wear fully environmental combat armor
which serves as NBC, has built-in compressor for high
altitude, automatic filters, etc.  And probably
(certaintly for Imperials--I can't speak for anyone
else) climate control.	This would only come into play
with the light infantry forces that wear partial body
armor.	And since the reason to have light infantry is
for lousy terrain (mountains, jungles, cities, etc.)
they should have been training under all sorts of
adverse conditions.


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