Re: [sg] Starting Forces
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 20:04:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [sg] Starting Forces
--- Derk Groeneveld <> wrote:
> > No--it's just that your snipers are more used for
> > calling for fire. By the time you've got line
> troops
> > up they can call for fire.
> You're saying snipers are most used for spotting
> artillery? Isn't that
> usually called a forward observer?
Snipers have radios. They also have training in
getting into places the enemy does not want them to be
be, and doing so unobserved. Think about it--let's
say your sniper can see the enemy brigade
headquarters. Is he going to do more damage shooting
the brigadier in the head, or calling for artillery to
blow the whole mess up and kill everyone? There's a
reason the Marines call their guys "Scout-snipers."
> Errr. I meant, what does the abbreviation HHC stand
> for?
Headquarters and Headquarters Company.
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