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Re: [sg] Starting Forces

From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:41:54 -0800
Subject: Re: [sg] Starting Forces

Derk Groeneveld wrote:

> I was wondering about this. Should one use these specialists as
> individuals or as members of the command squad? In the latter case
> EW active will eat up half the command squad's activations?

EW doesn't use up actions.
> Since the gurkha's all carry IAVR, I was wondering how to use this? Do
> have, for a squad of 8, an effective 8 shot IAVR, which doesn't 'die'
> until the last figure?

Well what we do is use a die to represent how many IAVRs the squad has.
We allow the squad to shoot as many IAVRs at a time as they wish.
Machanics for die rolling is a quality die for the squad and each IAVR
gets a die. You take each IAVR as an individual shot and match it with
the quality die to figure hits. 
> I think below 7 figures, you'll find yourself seriously lacking
> especially after the first casualty.

My squads can take 2 casualties before they drop a die level.
> Also, is there anything to stop me from putting more SAW's in my
> thus getting more dice? I'm not planning to, but I'm curious what the
> thought on this is. (I'd say 'munchkin' ;) )

Nothing stops you though your opponents might linch you. I see no reason
for "special" squads to have more then 1 or 2 SAWs in them but not
regular line infantry. Even though they can do it today, no one equips
their infantry that way.

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