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Re: [sg] Starting Forces

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:39:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [sg] Starting Forces

--- Derk Groeneveld <> wrote:

> I was wondering about this. Should one use these
> specialists as
> individuals or as members of the command squad? In
> the latter case having
> EW active will eat up half the command squad's
> activations?

What I tend to do is run the command squad as
individual figures.  I also use the optional rules to
allow the PSG and PL to each use one action to
activate a squad.  This way I don't have the PL
parking in one spot and blowing all his actions
reactivating line squads.  Doesn't fit they way I've
seen most PLs operate. 

> Since the gurkha's all carry IAVR, I was wondering
> how to use this? Do you
> have, for a squad of 8, an effective 8 shot IAVR,
> which doesn't 'die'
> until the last figure?

The honest way to do it is for each buzz-bomb-carrying
trooper, leave a missle counter with him.  When the
squad shoots, decide who's actually launching a
rocket.  Then if someone's killed carrying a
buzz-bomb, the squad looses that shot.	

> My command squad has no missile capability, but does
> have sniper, EW and
> forward observer.

I tend to attach FOs and snipers from higher echelons
(administratively, I follow the US pattern of having
the sniper teams no lower than BN level and the FOs
being part of the artillery batallion attached to the
maneuver elements).

> Also, is there anything to stop me from putting more
> SAW's in my squad,
> thus getting more dice? I'm not planning to, but I'm
> curious what the
> thought on this is. (I'd say 'munchkin' ;) )

It fits most modern organizational patterns.  I do it.
 Let someone holler munchkin.  Us 'Mericans have been
doing it since WWII.  Especially with adoption of
Minimi as our Automatic Rifle.


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