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A DS/FT campaign question and RE: [sg] Starting Forces

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:20:34 -0600
Subject: A DS/FT campaign question and RE: [sg] Starting Forces

May the last be the first:
This discussion has raised in my mind the idea of mixing different size
squads. Has anybody worked with these? Does SGII have problems with
What I've noticed is a tendency of all the same, but this vac-head may
be looking closely enough. The mention of Star Wars made me think of the
MicroMachine figures moldering in my basement, and how I figured the Imp
Troopers would be in large squads, the Scouts in smaller ones.

Did anything come of Nyrath's idea of a system with a campaign
generating a set of scenerios for DS gaming?

I'm still working on an FTII planetary assault system after the
of Cerberus, and would be interested in being able to add a DSII
to the more abstract planet battle rules I'm currently using.

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