RE: [sg] Starting Forces
From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 07:51:18 -0500
Subject: RE: [sg] Starting Forces
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jaime Tiampo []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [sg] Starting Forces
> "Bell, Brian" wrote:
> > I am thinking of getting into Stargrunt. What would be a good force
> to
> > purchase (infantry (reg & PA), not vehicles) to get started?
> >
> > I was thinking:
> > 18 Rifle
> > 3 SAW
> > 3 Hvy Support Weapon (HSW) such as PPG or GMS/P
> > 12 PA
> >
> > This would give a mix of:
> > 3 SAW supported Rifle Teams (3 Rifle, 1 SAW)
> > 3 HSW supported Rifle Teams (3 Rifle, 1 HSW)
> > 3 PA Teams (4 PA)
> For rifles I go for the Advanced Assult Riffle with grenade launcher
> which is a 3 for firepower per rifleman and standard SAW which is a
> support. I've thought of giving them a gatling SAW upping it to a D10
> power. So each squad gets D12(rifles for 5 men)/D8(SAW)/D6(plasma) and
> their quality die.
> A squad of 4 men could max out their dies at D8(rifles)/D10(SAW) and
> quality. In a lot of cases when you have decent cover you need a D12
> just to get a minor hit.
[Bri] 3 soldiers with AAR/GL woud get a d10 (3*3 = 9 round UP). Plus the
support weapon. 6 soldiers with the same equipment would only get 1 die
shift up. I have not played enough to know if 1 unit (d12/d8/d6) is
than 2 units (d10/d8 and d10/d6) or not.
> If you're buying 15mm I'd just get 4 packs of infantry and 2 of PA if
> you're just starting out and don't want to shell out a lot of chash.
> Jaime
-----End Original Message----
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [sg] Starting Forces
I found for a good starting selection you wanted at least a platoon. I
for three squads of 8 figures and a command squad of 4 as a starting
Each squad had a SAW, a support weapon (GMS/P or plasma gun), a leader,
5 troopers. The command squad had a SAW, a commander, and two others,
the SAW isn't really needed in the command group.
This produced a nice force of about 30 troops. Field one of these per
and you could have a 3 to 4 hour long scenario. Of course, I also had
for each squad.
For PA, I prefer not to have more than about one squad per platoon, and
PA squads are usually smaller than a regular squad (say 6 figures).
[Bri] I was thinking that I should have 2 unit of PA to support each
[snip my original troop mix]
Not bad, but you're probably missing a command squad. If you are picking
the 15mm packs from Jon, I'd go for 4 infantry packs and one PA instead
what looks like 3 infantry packs and 2 PA.
This is, of course, assuming you just want a starter set.
Allan Goodall -
-----End Original Message----
I was going to buy 3 nationalities (2 human and 1 Kra'Vak). I will
take Jamie's advice and buy 3 extra infantry squads (1 for each, total
of 4
+ 2 PA for each).
That wold give me (for each nationality)
24 Rifle (AAR/GL)
4 HSW (PPG or GSM/P) depending on figure
12 PA
This give me some additional flexibility.
I could go with:
4 Squads (8 Rifle, 1 SAW, 1 HSW) [1 squad would be command squad]
2 PA squad (6 PA)
1 Command squad (8 Rifle)
2 Std Rifle squad (6 Rifle, 1 SAW, 1 HSW)
1 Hvy Squad (4 Rifle, 2 SAW, 2 HSW)
2 PA squads (6 PA)
1 Command Team (4 Rifle) [Short squad]
2 SAW supported Rifle Squad (5 rifle, 1 SAW)
2 HSW supported Rifle Squad (5 rifle, 1 HSW)
1 PA Command Team (2 PA) [Short squad]
2 PA squads (5 PA)
Thanks everyone for your feedback and suggestions.
My comments above marked by [Bri]
Brian Bell