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RE: Full Thrust FB2

From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 08:03:58 -0500
Subject: RE: Full Thrust FB2

> -----Original Message-----
> From: YOY []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 7:46 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Full Thrust FB2
> Hi! Who will have enough time to answer some of my 
> wuestions?
> 1- I've read that shields are efficient against the 
> plasmas bolts (6 for a level-1 shield and 5-6 ignored for 
> a level-2 shield), is it really that?
[Bri] See FB2 p. 3613th paragraph.

> 2- there are a lot of weapons and equipements written in
> FB2, but not explained, are they explained on a web
> site?
[Bri] Examples?

> 3- Shrouded clouds are efficient against fighters, but are
> human shields efficient too?
[Bri] Yes.

> 4- When Plasma bolts are fired, are all the fighters in a
> 6" range destroyed?
[Bri] Yes. Fighters either need to shoot down the plasma bolt or use
secondary movement to get out of range. It is an area effect weapon and
individual target takes damage. Fighters only have 1 point each, so die
the bolts.

> 5- When plasma bolts are fired, can a Phalon ship (from
> the army who fired it) be affected?
[Bri] Yes. It is an area effect weapon. Don't fire it where you are
going to

> 6- With the vector movement rules, missiles and plasma
> bolts are very easy to use, because of the lack of
> velocity change for all the ships. Did someone try it? We
> think we'll reduce there range to 4".
[Bri] FB2 p. 36 suggests reducing the size of the bolt to 4 or 3mu.

> 7- With vector wovment rules, Kra'vak are not as 
> efficient as ion the std rules with their anti-g 
> propulsion. The only advantage they have, this time, is 
> that they are able to use all their thrust rating for 
> trnslating (the humans & Phalons only can move 1" 
> starboard or port). Is it the only difference?
[Bri] Yes. Since KV and Sa'Vasku can use MD in a direction they do not
they can always face where they expect the target to be. Human and
must turn the direction they wish to thrust. This may put thier aft to
ship they wanted to target. Granted. It is not as big an advantage as in
cinematic, but still an advanatage.

> OK, thanks a lot.
-----End Original Message----

My comments above marked by [Bri]
Brian Bell

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