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Re: Re: The GZG Digest V2 #384

From: <al.bri@x...>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 22:35:56 +0000
Subject: Re: Re: The GZG Digest V2 #384

Jakim (Scruffy D) wrote:
> ...or to the Listers that play DS2: how do you use your ADS vehicles

I have ADS/ZAD in units of two with overlapping fields of fire with
other units, with Aerospace and VTOL ready in support.

> I usually put one ADS vehicle in my command unit and let it sit idle
until a threat appears, then use it's activation to turn on the sensors
but then it dies before its next activation -- usually from a HEL/3+
equipped element that moved out from cover behind woods or something.

You'll be needing HEL-armed ADS then. There's rules on my site for
creating them.

> I got the impression from the rules that having an active ADS was a
Bad Idea, so I've been leaving them turned off until I needed them.  Am
I waiting until it's too late?

I have them on all the time, but then I use a different set of sensor
rules for DS2.

Andrew Martin

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