Re: Destroyers
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 13:08:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Destroyers
--- Michael Robert Blair <> wrote:
> What are peoples opinions? Do you build a class of
> fleet destroyers optimised as escorts with ADFCs and
> a
> heavy point defence battery and a separate class of
> DDs optimised for attack - with heavier beam or
> missile armament whose main defence from missiles or
> fighters is speed.
OK, there are exactally two classes of 'escort' ship
in main force usage (by which I mean in HSF or Sector
Fleet battle squadrons, cruiser squadrons, or
destroyer squadrons NB: My Fleet OOB has been totally
reworked from the ground up but is not currently
available online). There are "Escort Cruisers" which
are moderately sized cruisers with a slew of PDSs and
a pair of ADFCs. And there are 'Escort Destroyers'
which are standard destroyers minus beam batteries and
with extra PDS and an ADFC. There are four other
classes of destroyer (plus a destroyer-sized
purposebuilt commerce raider). DDGs have heavy SMR
armament and are used for fast strike in support of
battleline units. Skirmishers around the battleships,
no? The DDTs have Pulse Torps and fulfil the same
role in Sector Fleets (Sector Fleets are intended for
long-term independant operations with little
logistical support, so expendable ordnance is
pointless). DDs are beam-armed destroyers intended to
support DDG/DDT and to shoot up the enemy's small fast
strike ships. And DDLs are "Destroyer Leaders",
flagships for destroyer squadrons.
> What sort of size and spec do you use for your DDs
> and > is there a place for smaller escorts?
Same as the French. And yes, there is. But not much
of one.
> a waste of points in a fleet action except as a
> suicide screen for the heavies to suck missiles away
> from them.
You want a suicide screen, try taking a frigate
(NAC-sized, for discussion). Rip out the beam
armament, add FTL towing capacity. This can hall
about a half-dozen Size 2 ships. With 1 point of hull
and 1 point of drive, you have a Thrust 10 Target
Drone which can drive your SMR-using opponent up the
wall. (Mother class drone tender and Mu-class target
drones. . . )
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