Re: Checking something again
From: Henrix <henrix@p...>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 13:16:14 +0100
Subject: Re: Checking something again
Eli wrote:
>As I am never able to attend any of the GZG events I was wondering if
>of you who did make it the ECC might have glimsed any of the ESU heavy
>infantry minis. If so, can I possibly get a review?
While I was not at the ECC, Sweden being where it is, I recently ordered
couple just to get a look at them.
I ordered an ordinary trooper (SGE-52 ESU Heavy Infantry Trooper,
with assult rifle), and was a bit surprised that it was not as "heavy"
as I
had envisioned, in fact it is not heavier than the old, naval, ESU
troopers. The style is totally different, though. The armour he wears is
some sort of soft padded jacket and a helmet, which unfortunately looks
bit skewed. He carries a lot of pouches and stuff and looks rather
like he's been out in the woods for a while.
I also had to get a look at one of the politicals (SGE-67 ESU Political
Officer in peaked cap, with machine pistol). He is wearing jodhpurs, a
ridged sweater, a very large peaked cap and an armband. The machine
is a bit of a disappointment, as it is not that well detailed and looks
if it had been retrofitted to the figure (in fact the fingers are
from part of the hand holding it).
All in all, they are very nice. I am certainly going to get more (to
my Denizen ESU force).
The minis are sligthly larger than the older GZG minis, but not much.
The poses are very good, the political officer is obvioously staring
some privates with his chest pushed a bit forward, I suppose he did not
his share of the vodka, or something.
The faces and details are good. A bit rough, perhaps, but good..