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Re: [GZGECC] Gallery, AARs posted

From: devans@u...
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 10:10:37 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZGECC] Gallery, AARs posted

> Do you know the specific line?  They have 3 different Sci-Fi sets
> I was about to order their Starship 36.
It's the Tech Tunnel set.

I did notice something that's starting to be obvious to me; for game
either the interior of the walls can't exist, i.e., all floor ala Space
Hulk, or lean outward, as you can see below. The cut-fold-and-paste
Reverisco's have the outside leaning inward, but the insides vertical.
spite of corridors I think a wee too wide and generous for a good tight
ship, though they are narrower than the Ainsty's, it is still awkward to
reach down and grab/move figs.

Could I get id's on a couple of ship figs? The bottom left of the first
pic, the middle of the second, please. I'm afraid to ask about the one
coming in off the right side in the second pic. ;->=

Thanks, Jerry et. al! I think I shall be sifting though these pics for
quite some time!


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