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From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 23:10:18 -0000
Subject: RE:Re:[OT]UNSC

If people are looking for ways for the UN to have economic powers, or a
"nation", ask who controls or owns space now. The geo orbits were only
recently broken up into arc owned by governments, and a governments
only goes up so far, not all the way into space. The moon isn`t owned by
yanks, even though they were the first ones there. Space is for ALL
(although the planets could be open to claim), therefore would be
or owned by the UN as a neutral party. This could be workable in the
because nobody could agree on anything else (would the NAC give control
the spacelanes to the ESU?).

Corey wrote-

>There are also certain to be large groups of people living in space,
>certainly working in space, so the effects of any space battle would be
>equally devastating.

Hmm, anybody made some stat`s and/or DP`s for a o`neal cylinder in FT,
how much dammage would cause how many civilian kills?

 "yorkshire born,yorkshire bred,
 strong in arms, thick in head"

Prev: [DS] Need help with Phalanx Next: Hitting MT missiles was Re: [FT] Needle Beam questions