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From: "Casquilho, Daniel" <Daniel.Casquilho@d...>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 13:31:13 -0800
Subject: [OT] UNSC

> Why is everyone so cynical all the time?


	I think you are seeing the issue as Black and White while I see
as Shades of Gray. For me, most Governments, Groups, and Organizations
neither "Good" or "Evil". These labels are so very subjective as to be
useless. Do I think there are organizations that start out with good
intentions? Sure but do I think there will ever be a group of any kind
is pure good. No.

	The UN, like many other groups, could pull out many things to
"prove" how good they are. And those who dislike the UN could site many
things to show how the UN failed or is bad/evil. The truth, for me, is
both would/could be presenting true facts. It is in how they see those
that changes things in their minds.

	History is filled with people who have done things I could call
in the name of some "Good" cause. Most conflicts in history are because
groups both believed they were the "Good Guys" and thus had to
the "Bad Guys".

	Beast is right on this one. This has gone so far off topic that
must all just "Agree to Disagree".

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