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re: SST Roughnecks DVD

From: "David Reeves" <davidar@n...>
Date: 15 Mar 2001 09:36:00 -0500
Subject: re: SST Roughnecks DVD

Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 06:42:08 -0500 
From: "clourenco" <> 
Subject: SST Roughnecks DVD 

Is out. just got it today. (I got mine at It's the whole
Pluto Campaign. Runs 97 
minutes plus some extra movie trailers and a still gallery. Many
langauges. Most excellent. 


cool!  that means I should be getting mine soon....

I understand from Rodimus' page that Sony also intends to release a
second DVD in 
3Q2001, the Tesca Nemerosa Campaign.  please let it be!  now we can at
least hope the last 
3 eps are completed....

see for yourself at:


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