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From: "Casquilho, Daniel" <Daniel.Casquilho@d...>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:59:26 -0800
Subject: RE: [FT] UNSC

> I suspect that the UN in Tuffleyverse is still 
> petitioning the NAC for the back dues owed by 
> the former-USA.


	Although I am unsure I agree with either side all of the way, 
I have always thought of the UNSC as having grown powerful more from 
the big four attempting to trump each other rather then the UNSC being 
held back by the four. 

	I also liked the comment Laiserlight made about the exchange of 
"dues" for contracts. He said "...they [UN] have a chance to build 
standing military forces then contributor nation A will "forget to pay" 
until they get the tank contract, nation B will hold out until they get 
the fighter contract, and so forth." I think we could take it even 
further with the UN saying to member nation A, "we will wave your 
dues this year for X number of weapon system Z.." 

	Just a thought...

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