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Re: PA Strength was: FMAS at GZG ECC IV

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 12 Mar 2001 11:19 GMT
Subject: Re: PA Strength was: FMAS at GZG ECC IV

> Another brief divergence: 
> PA being harder to free when trapped - I didn't mean the guy in the > 
PA, I meant the suit. If a room collapsed, the PA is harder to 
> extract from the rubble.... (bigger/heavier/more awkward). Blowing 
> your suit does you no good if you're under a ton of bricks....

You don't need to blow your suit if you just can lift the bricks. 
How much lifting etc. can a suit of power armour do ?
I would have thought at least a few hundred Kilos (a trained Weight 
Lifter can do that), perhaps even a ton or two (a light crane) ?

Karl Heinz

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