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Re: Nukes was: Tin Cans versus Dreadnoughts

From: Derek Fulton <derekfulton@b...>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 16:08:44 +1100
Subject: Re: Nukes was: Tin Cans versus Dreadnoughts

At 10:59  12/03/01 +1100, Beth wrote:
>G'day Karl,
> >When was the last time you used a nuke in a game ?
>A couple of DS games ago. The Daleks were losing bad so they thought 
>they'd even the score (when you're a mutant created by neutron
radiation a 
>little old nuke ain't going to pahse you) ;)
>I usually buy one nuke a game when I'm using the Daleks, but to be
>I've only ever dropped it once.

Yes, and she had to drop it on me :(


Derek Fulton
12 Balaka st.
Rosny, Hobart.
Tasmania,  7018.

Phone; (03) 62459123

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