Re: FT-WotW (Railguns)
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 09:40:14 -0500
Subject: Re: FT-WotW (Railguns)
From: "Matthew Smith" <>
>> My personal bias is to just rename K-guns. There's not logic in
>> something that is basically a K-gun and give it a differnet mechanic
>> so Humans can use them.
>I disagree. I think that just re-naming K-Guns removes some of the
>individuality of both KVs and humans. KVs and Humans both have their
>very individual fighting style, and by porting the main KV weapon
>to the humans this is spoiled.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. FT is a KISS system, and
creating a new weapon mechanic for a failry cosmetic difference adds
unneeded complexity. If you want Human Railguns to be less hard-hitting
K-guns, limit humans to K-3 and under. You can make the weapons can
quite different with a small amount of effort in PSB. The tactics will
_have_ to be different, since Human ships will not have Advanced Drives.
> The main human weapons are beams and (to a
> far lesser extent) SMLs, giving them KV K-Guns provides a third
> weapon option that does not fit with their "image".
Don't forget Torps.
Adding railguns as a "new" system in _any_ form doesn't change this
at all.
One alternative practical and KISS solution is renaming single or dual
P-torps as Railguns. Easy mechanic, easy limitations. It's less
than most KV weaponry becuase it's not classed (unless you play with the
Heavy and Light torps), making up for it a bit by having up to 2-arcs of
fire where K-3's only get 1.
It's less hard hitting because it divides damage evenly b/t hull and
instead of penetrating after 1 point, and can't ever score more than 6
points (like K-4+ can).