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Re: [OT] Identify these vehicles (15mm?)

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 23:45:52 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Identify these vehicles (15mm?)

At 09:51 PM 3/1/01 -0600, you wrote:
>I just picked up the figs in the picture below. I thought I knew what
>were, but am obviously wrong. Can someone figure where they came from?

Tabletop Games "Laserburn".

>The larger vehicles, tracked, wheeled and 'blowers' all have the same
>with different base pieces. They are cruder than I first thought, but
>was my mis-identifying them in the first place blinding me. ;->=

They paint up quite nicely, I've always thought.  First 15mm figures I
gamed with.  I have a good number gathring dust somewhere.

John X Crimmins
  " one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information.  Don't ever piss one off."
  --Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.

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