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RE: Dirstside/Stargrunt vehicle nationalities

From: "Casquilho, Daniel" <Daniel.Casquilho@d...>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 11:10:42 -0800
Subject: RE: Dirstside/Stargrunt vehicle nationalities

	  I always figured that the forces could end up with just about
vehicle.  When you take 
over a planet from another group you might end up using some of their
Not always of course, 
but I was thinking of the pictures I have seen from WWII. I have a shot
some Panthers capured 
by the Russians painted up witht thier star and all. I have seen Allied
equipment painted with 
German markings etc. This might allow you to use anything you want. Your
call of course.
     Just a thought.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew  
Subject: Dirstside/Stargrunt vehicle nationalities

Does anyone have an opinion about the nationality of DS/SG vehicles? I
e-mailed Jon Tuffley and he said that all the vehicles were completely
generic, anybody could use any vehicle. However, it seems to me that the
Paladin/Phalanx/Hoplite and other 6-wheelers are exclusively the purview
the NAC. Any ideas? I for one would prefer it if each nation had it's
set of individual vehicles, it would help to create a greater sense of
identity for those nations. What do you think??
Matthew Smith

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