Prev: Re: More needle beams stuff on [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Digest Number 149 Next: RE: FMAS names

Re: More needle beams stuff on [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Digest Number 149

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 17:27:01 EST
Subject: Re: More needle beams stuff on [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Digest Number 149

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 09:23:33 +0000 Ground Zero Games <>
>Yep, that's pretty much how my original reasoning went. Needles are 
>penetrators - they are just very accurate pinpoint weapons that can 
>(sometimes) chosen bits on the surface of the ship - weapon mounts, 
>tubes, sensor pods etc, rather than hitting at random. The core 
>systems are
>exactly what they say - buried deep in the ship's core, and not 
>to damage until you've chewed up the outer stuff.
>Jon (GZG)

Okay, then it's (game) battle physics.	Soooo, except for my Nekton
'Death to all Aliens" [everybody but Nektons of course] scenarios there
will be no targeting of core systems by Needle Beams.  

Now, Since I *do* want those nasty little remoras with legs to be able
do exactly that in my campaign over Cotu, let me pose the question - how
much mass and how much cost would be appropriate for such a 'nasty,
inhumane' system?  {But they are not human...<toothy grin>}  Maybe two
sets of mass/cost?  One for the Xeno-killer 'terror-pack' ships under
size (FT terms) 19, and a different cost/mass for ships size 19-36. 
Nektons will usually (due to time tying up critical ship building
resources) not build ships greater then size 36.

Here's a SWAG - 

Light Nekton ship 'Deep Stab Beam':

Mass 4, cost 18 points - this equates to no more then 2 Needle Beams on
maximum size 18 ship, with 1 mass for 'C' beam or single PDAF or 1

Range 6", hits system on a '6' with no other damage, on a '5' does 1 box
damage to hull instead.

Medium Nekton 'Deep Bite Beam':

Mass 8, Cost 25 points - this means even a maximum equipped ship of 36
mass could carry 4 (with 4 mass for other weapons.)

Range 9", hits system on a '6' with no other damage, on a '5' does two
hull boxes damage only.

Gracias, Glenn/Triphibious (American Mongrel)
You don't have to be French to be a 'frog', or even human!
Nektons - Real Marines! (Die, Ralnai, Die!)
Starguard, Dirtside 2,	Ratner's Space Marines, Stellar Conflicts
and Uprisings, and Full Thrust/2nd.  Resistance is everything!

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