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RE: General EMP Thoughts

From: "Dean Gundberg" <Dean.Gundberg@n...>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 08:58:48 -0600
Subject: RE: General EMP Thoughts

Beth wrote:
> OK then for arguments sake say it was
> Weapons
> Electronics (FC etc)
> Criticals
> How would you deal with the case where there were 3 hits but 5
> weapons? And
> how do you stop people saying OK we do the 3 class 1s first then
> the class
> 2s (sorry, but I'm in a pernickety mood today).

and Noam wrote:
> Lists that don't include every system beg for muliti- or
> and abuse, and fully inclusive lists would be awfully cumbersome
> beams go first? Which class 2 beams go first? Which _arcs_ for class 2
> go first?) I think "Defender chooses" reduces the power of EMP
> be very quick, and what argument could ensue? "That's not a system"?
> system's already damaged"? "Hey, you chose something that wouldn't
> combat effectivenss"?

These situations are one of the reasons why I left weapons out of my
for Ion Cannons.  Taking out Fire Cons is more effective anyway.

The list I use again:
Special Electronics (Sensors, ECM, etc.)
Fire Controls
FTL Drive
Main Drive
(Back to top of list)

The defender would have some choice on the order of Special Electronics,
all other systems are not arc specific so whether the 1st or 3rd fire
con is
marked off, it doesn't matter.

Dean Gundberg

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