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Re: [OT] GW Lord of the Rings and my age

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 06 Feb 2001 07:18 GMT
Subject: Re: [OT] GW Lord of the Rings and my age

>----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----

> What is really annoying is that GW had the occassional good game.  
> Adeptus Titanicus and the first edition Space Marines were very 
> good, but required too much brain power for their target audience, 
> so they were redesigned (very dumbed down), repackaged, and 
> re-released in a way that was more lucrative,
> easier to play, but with less sizzle and no steak.

Perhaps the designers had eaten too much steak(*) ?

Karl Heinz

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