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[OT] and maudlin Re: Fumes, MC's as protection, and GW LotR & Age

From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 20:46:43 -0600
Subject: [OT] and maudlin Re: Fumes, MC's as protection, and GW LotR & Age

Ok, obviously well known, so much so no one needed comment, until I
my foot in it, as usual. ;->=

It's strange that, while I'm not even a dabbler in naval affairs, I took
silent offense when a friend showed surprise at my purchasing a Great
at Sea game.

While faulty on many counts, and in spite of a large anime, samurai, and
sci-fi(sic) flic collection, the three movies I seem to return to again
again are Sink the Bismark, Hunt for Red October, and Tora, Tora, Tora.
wish I had a copy of the BBC series on Nelson.

I just can't tell whether it was my love of the image of star vessals
silently burning in the ether that brought me to love of the learning of
the history of the sea warfare, or vice versa.

Again, I thank Jon for assisting me in adding to that vision.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer - Adolf Hitler

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