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[FT] Various Screens; was Re: Kinetic Shield

From: Charles Stanley Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 18:44:11 GMT
Subject: [FT] Various Screens; was Re: Kinetic Shield

In message <p04320410b69bd589d07d@[]>
	  Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <> wrote:

> >As for K.H.Ranitzsch, saying that too many weapons ignore sheilds
> >how about another idea, the MAGNETIC PARTICAL SHEILDING.
> I don't care for the idea of "improved shields" against everything as 
> you described, but I do like the idea of a "kinetic" style shield 
> that protects against the stuff that "beam-style" shields don't. 
> Maybe not everything, but definitely K-guns, submunitions, etc.
> That way "old" shields are not rendered instantly obsolete by the new 
> system, which I think would be a little over the top.
> Schoon

Some time ago I did a bit of thinking about differenttypes of protective
screens that functioned against different types of attack, such as:

Plasma Screens - only protect against Plasma Weapons, ie. PBL, Pulse
Torpedo, and Nova Cannon.

Nuclear Damper (yup, I know its been done before :-) - only vs. MT
Missiles, Salvo missiles, _possibly_ nova cannon?

Kinetic Screen - only vs. K-Guns, MKP, Meteors & Debris.

Force Wall - Über alien tech - works vs. everything.

Each screen came in several different levels (usually 2), which worked
as follows:

vs. anything using the standard FT 'beam dice' mechanic, works like
screens do vs. beams etc. (This includes the roll to see how many hits
an MKP inflicts).

vs. anything that does strait d6's of damage, works like screens do vs.
Plasma Bolts, i.e. Level 1 negates rolls of '6', level 2 negates rolls
of 5+, etc.

vs. K-guns: subtract the level from the dice roll to determine if damage
is doubled, _also_, if that roll (before subtraction) is greater than 7-
the level, then the damage is totally negated.

This scheme was chosen so as to give roughly the same proportion of
protection as screens of the equivalent level.

The one problem I had troble with was costing up all of these.

I originally got thinking about this while thinking about the protective
values of different planet atmospheres against spaceship weaponry.

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