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RE: [SG2] 2 questions

From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 06:59:58 -0500
Subject: RE: [SG2] 2 questions

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allan Goodall []
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:51 PM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: [SG2] 2 questions
This was discussed on, I think, the playtest list. The rules don't say.
consensus was that it shouldn't be automatic but should probably be a
or +2/+1/NR test for low/medium/high motivation troops. The idea being
there is always a risk of inciting a rout when withdrawing troops, so
should be a risk of losing CL. On the other hand, they weren't FORCED to
so it probably shouldn't be automatic. 

But this is essentially a house rule. If you don't want a house rule, I
suggest that you do drop a CL level (but only one) if you voluntarily

[Bri] This is bad (IMHO). I liked the solution proposed on the list
The defender makes a confidence check even if voluntarily withdrawing
is actually indicated on p.41 "Should the defender withdraw [he may
elect to
do so voluntarily if desired, irrespective of the Confidence test
result]..."). If if they fail, they loose confidence as normal.


> One simple "fix" to this, though, is to allow follow-up movement to be
> same distance as the defender's retreat movement (6") or combat move,
> attacker's choice. The idea is that during a follow-up attack the
> is
> less likely to be skulking and more likely to run hell-bent after the
> retreating unit. This means that if the attacker would reach the
> but
> the defender retreats, the attacker could STILL catch up with the
> defender. A
> defender can't out run an attacker in this case. All it can do is pick
> better
> defensive terrain.
[Bri] I don't care for this. It guarantees that the attacker will be
able to
another CA on the defenders unless they retreat.

> The problem is that the defender gets a 6" retreat move, but the
> must
> roll. A simple way to handle this is to make the retreater make a
> move,
> too. The defender may be able to retreat clear out of the way (rolling
> 12"
> move, for instance, which an attacker may feel it is unlikely to
> Or, it
> may only make it 2" away. This would be essentially the same as your
> opposed
> roll to see if they can flee out of the way.
[Bri] I like this as a house rule better. Both attacker and defender
combat moves when attacking or withdrawing from CA.

> Allan Goodall
-----End Original Message----

My comments above marked by [Bri]

Brian Bell
Integic (contracted with DSCC)
614.692.4794 voice
614.623.1503 fax

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