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Re: strike the colors rule

From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 11:29:52 -0500
Subject: Re: strike the colors rule

Alan and Carmel Brain wrote:
> There is one issue that hasn't been raised. After a ship has taken the
> hull box, is it
> *really* destroyed? Or is it a wreck floating in space? Maybe - except
> cases of gross
> overkill - a ship that takes the last hull box strikes its colours
> than disintegrates?

The way I've played it is that once the last box is destroyed the
ship is essentially gutted. If you do one more row of damage (what
would be, in effect, a 5th hull row), then the ship is utterly
destroyed (ie, becomes a debris field or whatnot). For those ships
which have differing numbers of hull boxes in their rows, it becomes
a question of which row do you pattern it after. I leave that up to
individual choice (since overall for 99% of the games it just isn't
going to matter :-). This is all for atmosphere and effect, and
has no bearing on the game itself.

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