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RE: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3)

From: "Peter Mancini" <peter_mancini@m...>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:37:15 -0500
Subject: RE: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3)

>From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <>
>You have the arc WAY too wide for the current wave gun. It is 2mu
>wide for the first 12mu, 3mu for the 2nd, and 4mu wide for the 3rd.

How is that any different than what I wrote?
>>Range 36" (progressive area, 2",3",4" for each 12 inches)
Other than the fact that " should be mu as per Fleet Book 2.

>Recharge:	      Must charge to 2xClass to fire. May fire
>		       as lower class if partially charged. Roll
>		       1d6 per turn to charge; result is amount
>		       of charge added.

This is a neat idea.  I think I've seen various other attempts at
like this for the Hvy Beams's.	I also like the collateral damage rule -

makes one anxious to fire if the ship is taking damage.

>Class Mass Cost #RB Term Width RB1 Damage  Needed Charge
>   5	 32   96   5	 10mu	   5d6		  10

The above should leave a mark... 'frickin' Death Star main gun...

--Peter  :-)

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