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what happens to buildings was RE: Bunkers in SG2

From: "Jay Arnold" <jdarnold@s...>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 02:13:17 -0600
Subject: what happens to buildings was RE: Bunkers in SG2

I think it really depends on what the building is made of. I saw many
buildings in Sarajevo (I served with SFOR FEB97-SEP97) that had taken
multiple hits of everything from RPG's to mortars to recoilless rifles
direct fire artillery and tank guns and were still standing. There was
terrible spalling in the rooms that taken the hits, but the building was
still structurally sound. In particular, the newer buildings built under
Communists (mostly west side of town toward Ilidza) were mostly intact.
same could not be said of the 18th and 19th cent. buildings on the east
of town (in or near Ferhadija or Bistrik). The Olympic Village in
was half and half. Some not too bad structurally, others totally
Of particular interest were the buildings on either side of one street
was literally the front line. Thousands of bullet holes, a few RPG hits,
major hits. I guess both sides were afraid of dropping rounds within 20
meters of their own troops. (BTW: when I left in SEP97, that street
had triple strand concertina down the grass median of the avenue.)
I think the main issue was a mixture of building materials/design and
of fire. The glass and steel towers of the Oslobodjenje (Sarajevo Daily
Newspaper) building were destroyed while the concrete and steel elevator
shafts remained. This building took months of shelling before the towers
collapsed. Zetra Stadium had many holes in it, but was basically
structurally intact. I have photos, will scan for those interested in
modern architecture looks like after being hit by a 81mm mortar.

-----Original Message-----

I t hink very very dangerous is an understatement. It's better to be in
the middle of nowhere dug in then in a building. I basically refuse to
get int the building now if there is any kind of heavy weapon on the
table. Even my litle class 2 cannons are painful to guys in buildings.
That said. I think they're fairly realistic.

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