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Re: strike the colors rule

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 00:09:07 -0800
Subject: Re: strike the colors rule

Allan Goodall suggested
> Then I suppose we need scuttling rules. The reason ships were
scuttled was to
> stop a ship from being captured even though the crew was
surrendering. The
> point is that the ship didn't keep fighting after it was hopeless.
> On the other hand, this is a sci-fi universe. We don't know what
policies are
> in place when fighting battles with other ships. Are crews picked up
if they
> abandon ship? If they are, are they treated reasonably well? It's
> possible that, in a sci-fi universe, the only thing coerscing an
enemy into
> taking a crew that has abandoned ship is the possibility of keeping
the ship.
> Especially if it still has a certain punch.

In a recent battle, my Islamic Fed forces isolated and crippled an
enemy capital ship (damage included FTL drive, of course).  I issued a
surrender demand and added that if the enemy attempted to abandon ship
and scuttle, we would fire on lifeboats.  NAC or others might not be

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