Re: Can a FT only Fleet be viable?
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 10:26:17 +0000
Subject: Re: Can a FT only Fleet be viable?
>On Sat, 23 Dec 2000 19:38:10 -0500 Allan Goodall <>
>>On Sat, 23 Dec 2000 10:44:03 EST, Glenn M Wilson
>><> wrote:
>>>On that note assuming the presence of "salvo missiles" and the 'odd'
>>>Kravak force, can A FT equipped fleet play with a reasonable chance
>>>performing effectively? (i.e., not be swept off the board in two or
>>>three turns of fire.)
>>I think you're still missing the point that there are significant
>>changes in the fleet books.
>Got it. But since I don't know what they are my question is too wide
>have meaning.
>>The design system in FT2 is different from the fleet books. The points
>>for each ship you built in FT2 would make no sense compared to the
>>point cost
>>of Fleet Book ships. The design system has been overhauled. 100 points
>>of FT2
>>ships does not equal 100 points of FB ships.
>I accept that.
Jumping into this one a little late, a few comments:
Actually, the points values of FT2 ships are NOT that different from
in FB1/2; if you look at corresponding classes from the FT2 standard
and typical ones from the FB1 fleets, though the MASS is very different
(due to the revised design system ) the POINTS value comes out quite
similar - this was more by luck than any planning, but it is probably
enough for friendly (ie: non-tournament) games.
So unless you are being very picky about exact capabilities, 100 points
FT2 ships WILL be broadly similar to 100 points of FB1 ships in overall
value.There will be differences in some areas, but I suspect a lot of
will balance out over the course of a game.
Provided you and your opponent(s) are all happy with it, there is no
reason why you shouldn't play an FT2-designed fleet (using most of the
rules as written) against an FB1 fleet; sure, there will be a few things
that you'll have to agree to harmonise (I'd suggest using the FB turn
sequence, for instance) but even stuff like the different fire arcs will
just give you an interesting bit of extra difference between the two
forces. Yes, there may be a bit of imbalance here and there, but if
all having fun then what does it matter?
>>The changes aren't just in the design system. Some rules are
>>including the number of firing arcs. How would you play with one fleet
>>90 degree firing arcs and the other using 60 degree firing arcs?
As above, just let each fleet use the arcs it was designed with - it
doesn't matter!
>I just figured that out after re-reading some of the postings.
>>Actually, I
>>guess you COULD play with a mix of rules, but the points won't make
>>any sense
>>at all.
Within limits, yes they will. A comparison of MASS won't make any sense,
since ships in FB1 mass between 2 and 3 times their FT2 counterparts
think of 1 FB mass as being a smaller unit of measurement than an FT2
one -
a bit like centimetres to inches!).
Jon (GZG)
See Oerjan's comments for whether or not your FT fleet would
>>have the
>>advantage or disadvantage.
>I understand that. The Kravak player on the game I played was mentally
>and 'on paper' a 1st edition plus supplement designed fleet. I kept
>hearing the GM tell him some version of "...well, in the (fill-in)
>they changed that..." I assume we were using FT/2nd plus selected
>(like missiles) from the supplements.
>>If you want to just wing it and play an FT2 fleet against an FB fleet,
>>then I
>>don't think you have to worry if it's "viable". Just wing it. If the
>>FT2 fleet
>>gets stomped, you need more (or different) FT2 ships, or fewer FB
>>If the FB ships get stomped, the reverse is the case.
>Sounds reasonable.
>>But you can forget about bringing X number of points of FT2 ships and
>>that fleet balance against X number of points of FB ships.
>Well, point based games (as opposed to scenario based) aren't all that
>big a deal especially since I don't play tournaments.
>>Allan Goodall
>>Goodall's Grotto:
>>"Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
>>toys into a living room full of drunken men, things
>>always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"
>Gracias, Glenn/Triphibious
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