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RE: [FT] Salvo Missile (and Fighter) Range

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 17:11:52 -0500
Subject: RE: [FT] Salvo Missile (and Fighter) Range

Drom Brian:

> Attack Velocity is figured from launching ship's 
> velocity, the movement of the salvo (after inertia), 
> target velocity, and distance to the target after 
>ship movement.

Basically yes, though in the revision I sent in reply to Beth, I
the missile speef component to be total distance from launch point to
target, and attack vector to be the line from launch point to target
coordinate (or center post).

> I think that you need step 1.5: 

I don't think it's needed with the revision.

> In #2, is the clockface from the target's facing, the
> target's course, or what reference point to determine
> clockface? 

It's meant to be the Target's heading. This is the same as its facing in
cinematic, but not necesarily in vector.

> This seems to break if the salvo is overshot
> (i.e. placed behind the target on a head-to-head attack).

It won't with the revision. The Slavo has to close the distance back to
target to attack, so the net vector is simply to the target from the

> Perhaps it should be:
> Course Divergence between salvo and target (in clock
> facings; determines Attack Velocity):
> 0-2 Subtract target velocity from salvo velocity
> 3-4 Use only salvo velocity
> 5-6 Add both target and salvo velocities

I think this works well. My way might be better for cinematic, since you
determine it just by looking at the figures, but this may do better for

> I would suggest using absolute value of Attack Velocity
> in your calculations (as it is possible to be negative). 

Agreed, rare as the case may be.

> Your method solves the chase problem, but adds a new
> problem that SML ships must limit their speed to be
> effective (this seems contrary to the design philosophy
> of the FSE). Also, the opponent can change your 
> efficiency just by increasing speed.

True to a point. In fact, it encourages ships to charge into missile
rather than peel off to increase the missile AV. It also encourages SML
ships to avoid the head-on attack. I don't know if this truly limits
but it does probably force different maneuvering. I don't know if either
these count as problems rather than an impetus for new tactics.


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