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RE: [SG2] close assault query

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 12:33:36 -0500
Subject: RE: [SG2] close assault query

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barclay, Tom []
> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 11:37 AM
> To:	Gzg Digest (E-mail)
> Subject:	[SG2] close assault query

> 1) The defender had 1 suppression. Can they leave? The suppression
> would seem to indicate no, but the CA (close assault) rules themselves
> make no mention of this and the only thing they seem to restrict while
> suppressed is reaction fire. 
[Bri] While not covered by the rules, I would say that they could
I.e. The threat of being shot at close range in the CA is greater than
threat of being shot at long range. After the withdraw, they would still
have the suppression marker.

> 2) Assuming they can bug out (which I let them do), what are the
> Does this affect their morale? Must they still test to "stand for CA"
> if they break so as to possibly drop them a confidence level or two?
[Bri] The rules indicate that they still take the Confidence Test and
result even if they elect to withdraw. But if they pass the test, thier
confidence is unchanged.

> 3) In actual fact, they bugged out and moved 8". They then activated,
> cleared suppresion, and cut to bits the pursuer who'd chased them with
> feeble 6" roll. It seemed odd to me that you could beat feet away from
> attack, pull up short (given the attackers never stopped chasing you)
> kick the crap out of them with point blank fire. This seemed like
> What should have happened according to the rules? 
[Bri] Hmmm. In DS2 under a close assault, both the attacker and
markers are inverted, indicating that performing the CA and reacting to
CA uses up the actions of both attacker and defender of a CA. 
In rereading the SG2 rules, this does not seem to be the case. Jon T.,
this an oversight? So, it is legal by the rules, but I would suggest a
rule that mirrors the DS2 rules: a performing a CA or reacting to a CA
up both actions of the attacker and defender (if the defender does not
any actions left, it may still defend against the CA). 

> 4) If you let a suppressed unit flee at all, should they have to move
> cover before removing their suppression (taking a page from an FMA
> suggestion about suppressed in the open)? Should this apply more
> to other suppression in the open cases? 
> Without knowing for sure, I'd have suggested
[Bri] I woudl choose this to harmonize DS2 and SG2:

> 3) A further alternative is to say being close assaulted consumes your
> action for a round - therefore you can't activate again until the next
> round. It would be a good penalty for being assaulted. 

> Comments on what the rules say that I've missed or not interpreted
> Comments on my suggestions or the situation?
> ------------------------------------------
> Thomas R. S. Barclay 
> ------------------End Orignal Message------------------------
My comments marked by [Bri]

Brian Bell   

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