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[DS2] Close Assault question

From: Noel Weer <nsweer@i...>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 19:52:34 -0600
Subject: [DS2] Close Assault question

I was wondering about close assaults and whether they need to be carried
out as a unit, or can single elements within a unit perform one while
other elements take other actions (such as provide covering fire, move,
or retreat shielded by the assault)?

On page 18 it says "Different elements in the unit may choose different
options;..." Which makes tons of sense and provides excellent command

But every mention of close assault specifically discusses it in terms of
UNITS, so I am inclined to think that it is a not an elemental option. 

But on page 34 close assaults are described as combat actions; "One
CLOSE ASSAULT may be made by a Unit during its activation, counting as
its Combat Action." As a combat action it may slip back into the realm
of options to consider at an elemental level.

It is too late to address the specific instance that came up 2 days ago,
but for future reference: is Close Assault a special combat action that
functions only at the unit level, or can elements close assault

This is my first post to the list - so if this is old news - be gentle

(FYI, we let my opponent carry out the assault. I held my ground and
wiped out the charge.)

The Middle Ages were a great time to be alive, 
because if you weren't wiped out by the Plague 
or impaled by some marauding barbarian, then yippee. 
     "chocolate covered musings"

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