Re: [SG] Bell Curve, was Re: Oerjan Dreams
From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:31:14 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG] Bell Curve, was Re: Oerjan Dreams
Brian Burger wrote:
> I don't really know any gamers who aren't also die-collectors of
> sorts. With two or three people around a table, I've never had a
> assembling as many of any sort of die as were needed. Let's see, I've
> (very roughly):
Do you have any weird dice?
I've got a Zoccihedron 1d100, a few spherical dice, and some
dice with strange heiroglyphs on them.
I've seen (but do not own) some other odd ones.
Like the transparent 1d12 with the numbers 1-6 and
the other 6 faces blank. If a face has a number, the
opposite side is blank.
It's ment for rolling on an overhead transparency