RE: Hmmmmm what does this means!
From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@v...>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 08:32:42 -0800
Subject: RE: Hmmmmm what does this means!
These are all defined in Dirtside 2
Michael Brown
-----Original Message-----
From: Claus Paludan
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 8:29 AM
To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Sv: Hmmmmm what does this means!
Ahhh and there came HKP/4 also :-)) I bet I can find all this in the SG2
(I actually discovered what SAW meant, when I read the rules again) but
difficult to find these things when you're looking for them :-)
thank you!
Claus Paludan
E-mail [privat] :
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----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Fra: Michael Brown <>
Til: <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Sendt: 11. november 2000 17:18
Emne: RE: Hmmmmm what does this means!
> See below
> Michael Brown
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Claus Paludan
> Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 7:45 AM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Hmmmmm what does this means!
> << File: ATT00001.htm >> Hi there,
> can anyone please explain what all this means?? I forgot my enigma
machine at
> home :-):
> ILLUM Illumination
> LAW Light Anti-Tank Weapon
> IIRC If I recall correctly
> SA Small Arms
> HKP/4 Hyper Kinetic Penatrator / Class 4
> IAVR Infantry Anti-Vehicle Rocket
> GPMG General Purpose Machine Gun
> thanx :-)
> Claus Paludan
> E-mail [privat] :
> W-site [privat] :
> [privat] : +45 36309581
> ICQ Nr [privat] : 15328534 ( )