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Sv: Re:[SG2] large games (batallion level and up)

From: "Claus Paludan" <cpaludan@w...>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 20:37:25 +0100
Subject: Sv: Re:[SG2] large games (batallion level and up)

> I've played small pieces of Command Decision (GDW's ww2 rules). That 
> achieves battalion-plus scales by making one stand of infantry or 
> vehicles represent a platoon. The timescale and balance in the rules 
> also serves to make a regimental or division scale game feasable. 

We would not change the level of detail - one figure represents one man
and veh
icles ditto!!
We like large games <g>

Med venlig hilsen

Claus Paludan

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