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From: "bif smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:36:42 +0100

Why are you going on about us yorkshire men thinking we are better than
those nancy suthern puffs? we know we are, so there`s no debate there.
A yorkshire cofederacy sounds like a wonderful idea, and orignally the
of britian was governed form york (I think, seem to remember someone
me this, because it is roughly geographiclly half way between the far
of scotland and the south coast, and less likly to be invaded by those
barbairian gaulls(froggys)).<g>
Of course we wouldn`t nuke lancasterians, de-orbiting a several million
tonne asteroid is a far more amusing idea.
The joke about the three germans is famillier, but I remember the tight
as a yorkshine man.
Heard the one about the yorkshire man who dropped a pound coin?, it hurt
when it hit the back of my head.
We have been discribe as scot`s men with the generosity removed(which I
agree with), or as having short arms and DEEP pockets(when it`s our

BIF (waiting for the narn bat squad(on detached duties))

"Yorkshire born, yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head".

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