Brisbane's Auran BIG Weekend 2001
From: NobJobz@a...
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:02:05 EDT
Subject: Brisbane's Auran BIG Weekend 2001
Hi Everyone!
Across the Queensland MayDay long weekend Brisbane Independant Gamers
hold Queensland's premier gaming event: the Auran BIG Weekend!
And in 2001, for the first time we will be holding a Full Thrust
Exact details are yet to be decided, but for those of you who are
and would like to try and attend, the BIG Weekend takes place across the
first weekend in May (5th-7th I believe).
Also, we will be running a big Stargrunt II come-and-play Demo on the
day of the Con for people to turn up and join in.
Current details for the Full Thrust Tournament can found at:
While current details for the Stargrunt II Demo can be found at
Details for the Auran BIG Weekend can be found at:
Hope to see you there!