RE: [FMA] Return of FMA...
From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 16:42:26 +1100
Subject: RE: [FMA] Return of FMA...
I haven't done anything major; I don't have access to the players on my
I do have some of my notes from last year though.
Your CC ideas parallel a few from last year. I just lifted the values
some fantasy stuff I did in 98. Figures get their quality die and a
die opposed to each other. Minor success is treated as winning cc
resolution & forces a morale check; Major success KOs the character
for result as normal post cc from SG)
Melee dice values: (Open Shift on melee die.)
Unarmed: d4
Improvised (pitchforks, gunbutts etc) or martial arts: d6
Melee weapons (swords/maces): d8
Polearms/two handed weapons (includes lances on the first turn):d10
Units get a +1 die shift for being mounted (warhorses, etc).
The charging unit gets an additional +1 die shift.
A defending unit gets a +1 die shift if occupying higher ground.
Power armour gives a second Q die (3 die in CC) or gives Qx2 (but you'll
need to differentiate this die from the others)
There's several confidence/morale versions floating around.
1. max 1 suppression; figure cannot do anthing until removes
2. max 2 suppressions; figure can only move to nearest cover using
combat move & can do nothing else until the suppressions are removed.
3. max 3 suppressions; as (2), but when removing suppressions, each
multiple removes extra suppressions (ie: Ld 2, 3+ removes 1, 5+ removes
7+ removes 3). This makes high quality troops even more effective, as
will be cooler under fire (or more stupid, depending on your viewpoint)
a bad roll or two will still screw them completely.
Neath Southern Skies -
[mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu
[DitD] Captain Puppilier
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Burger []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:14 PM
> Has anyone done anything with FMA since the extremely-beta release in
> 1999?
> We've got an idea for Close Combat as well: Presently, any CC weapon
> all (or wearing PA) gives you 2x Quality die - there's no difference
> between a rifle-armed PA trooper and a near-naked freak with a big
> sword... Adding a second, CC-weapon die makes sense here - for
> Bare Hands - no additional die
> No CC weapon (only rifle or other weapon) d4
> Knife/bayonet: d6
> Short sword/big knife/club: d8
> Big sword/thingie: d10
> Really weird CC-weapon (Power Thingies): d12
> You can also fairly easily slot CC-beasts (Aliens aliens, for ex) into
> this - they get d10 CC or something.
> Has anyone done any work on the Confidence/Morale system? There's far
> emphasis on this in FMA than would be expected, given the systems in
> and SG2.