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Re: Help for Oerjan)

From: Ted Arlauskas <ted@n...>
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 23:21:09 -0700
Subject: Re: Help for Oerjan)

 >>Some of the state governments are quite rational, occasionally.
 >>And there are parts of the Federal Government that work well
 >>(there have got to be some--there's so much of it, after all).
 >You referring to the US Federal government? I have worked for them
 >and military) for over 20 years - still looking for such a group...

I _heard_ of a Federal Agency that was efficient, well organized,
and constantly operated within their budget.  They were quickly
and quietly closed down to keep from embarrassing the rest of
the Federal government ...

Now don't get me started on State's Rights!

-Ted "Who's a Reactionary?!" Arlauskas	       |   LA Palm User Group Home Page  |

Ground Zero Games West Coast Convention - October 20-22, 2000

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