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Re: Mil vs. Civ shipping

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (t-online)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 20:42:58 +0100
Subject: Re: Mil vs. Civ shipping

Laserlight pontificated:
> Mr. Barclay opined:
> > For example, I have little doubt that if my free trader
> > was operating in the AE, being the politically colourful
> > place that it is, that I could well see slapping on some
> > B-2s for defence. Maybe some military sensor systems too.
> You probably wouldn't need them, as there are very seldom pirates
> in the AE systems.  Privateers, "security consultants",
> mercenaries who are between jobs, and the occasional Islamic Fed
> raider--but no pirates.

I think we need a lawyer-tight definition of  'Pirate'	and an
of the difference between a pirate and the other gentlemen (and ladies)
mentioned above before we are willing to accept the above statement.

Karl Heinz

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