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Re: DSII: Parachute deployed vehicles...

From: Brian Bell <bkb@b...>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 20:33:55 -0400
Subject: Re: DSII: Parachute deployed vehicles...

At 15:28 2000-09-13 -0700, you wrote:
> > DS does have rules for air dropped deployment.  For vehicles this is

> limited
> > to size 1 & 2, IIRC.
>Plus, for that matter, if you wanted to go with Battletech style games,
>there's nothing stopping you from just plain deciding that you can drop
>just about anything with legs from orbit as long as you have a "drop
>of some sort around it to soften the landing.
>  The Stilt Man

I will have to pull out the source material, but I thought that
the drop capsule provided protection against atmospheric
abrasion (i.e. the heat of reentry) and the Mech's had to have
Jump Jets or a disposable "jump pack" to slow descent once in
the lower atmosphere.

I like the current DS2 system:
Orbital Drop: Power Armor and size 1 Mechs
Atmospheric Drop: All Infantry and size 1 & 2 vehicles.
Assault Lander: Depends on the size of the Assault Lander
		 I suggested limiting the size of Assault
		 Landers to no larger than size 5.
Drop Ships: Anything. But I would suggest that it needs
	     a Landing Field (reason for small unit action).
	     Dropships would either use oversize vehicle
	     rules or be outside the construction rules.

Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable

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