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No Coast Cons? Re: [FT] arcs in vector

From: devans@u...
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 16:30:10 -0500
Subject: No Coast Cons? Re: [FT] arcs in vector

Even though I don't do FT (the third dimension is a stretch for yours
truly) let me know if this takes place anywhere near Saint Louis, MO,
USA, (my current place of exile) 'cause this I'd like to see!

It's looking like GZG-No Coast Con will be happening at NukeCon in Omaha
this fall, but would KC work for you? ShaunCon lists as a mostly RPG
but I know there are plenty of Evil Empire devotees down there, so fig
fighting isn't a foreign concept.

Anyway, what makes you think FT'ers compehend in three dimensions? ;->=

By the way, as Megan, the model for my never-to-be-completed FT story,
lives in Columbia, a con there with a visit to my daughter is tempting,
I doubt I can drag any local-to-moi down that far.

And the West Coast expatriate scratches his head wondering what they are
talking about...

Yeah, I was hopeing we could let the fallacy speak for itself, though.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer - Adolf Hitler

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