Re: [FT] arcs in vector
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 15:02:44 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] arcs in vector
From: Barclay, Tom <>
(Sound effects: gauntlet clanging on the deck):
> Beth, I think the way to test this (down the road) would be for
me and Chris
> to create "limited arc" versions of a mid thrust fleet (NAC?)
and you and
> those who share your view to fight us using standard multi-arc
> theory, we'll have forces of the same mass (and probably
roughly the same
> point values) whose only distinction is the weapon layout.
Fight this two or
> three games and we should have a good idea of the value of the
extra arcs.
> Note, BTW, I didn't say have NO guns with more than 1 arc.
Secondaries tend
> to have 3 arcs. But your primaries only need 1 or at most 2
arcs on MD4
> ships.
I'm up for that. Beth, you (and your second) build the fleet;
we'll take the single-arc version of whatever you build. We can
rework the designs here or you can have some third party do it.
> And Chris, it's nice to have someone of roughly like mind....
even if he is
> a Reb! *grin*
(mildly) I'm not a Rebel--I'm just in a Southerner in favor of
observing the constitutional precedence of State over Federal
government, and individuals over the State government. Now, I
grant you that involves opposing the big-government monolithic
Federal doctrine instituted about 140 years ago--but I'm the one
who's acting in accordance with the Constitution, therefore if
anyone is rebelling against legitimate authority, it's the
Northern Aggressor government. (Yeeeeeeee-haaa!)