Re: DragonFlight 2000
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 18:54:01 +0200
Subject: Re: DragonFlight 2000
Brian Burger wrote:
>PH escorts & cruisers are far, far more dangerous than their basic
>mass would suggest.
Which is why you should look at their basic *cost* and not their basic
*mass*... roughly speaking, each Phalon class is equivalent to the next
bigger human class - Phalon DDs match human CLs, Phalon BBs match human
DNs and so on.
>An all-Close-tuned PH DH can do 12d of damage inside 12",
...assuming of course that it can get to within 12" without being shot
up (beyond that range it only has its PBL every other turn), that it
can keep the enemy in its (F) arc (since one of its two Pulsers is (F)
only), and that isn't attacked by enemy fighters (or sometimes
missiles) on the turn it does close get into range :-)
>plus it's got a Class 1 PBL... You do pay for it all, though - that PH
>is 150pts. There are human CLs that're cheaper.
Yep. And the Phalon DH is easier to destroy than most human CLs, too.
>>You're fortunate I didn't surprise you with a Gr'krehri DNG and a
pair >>of Gr'kakhri CHGs. I would have loved to see how you would have
>>handled a pincer attack of 32 MT missiles at the same time. :-)
>That would have been ugly, especially seeing as none of my ships had
>ADFC and PH PDS isn't the best. Of course, any of my ship that
>survive the missles are going to shred your empty missle boats...
Depends on what rules you use for the MTMs. Unless you give them a
secondary move, PBL-1s tend to be quite effective... just take care
that the enemy fighters don't shoot your point-defence plasma bolts
down! <g>
Oerjan Ohlson
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry