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Re: DragonFlight 2000

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 22:18:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: DragonFlight 2000

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, -MWS- wrote:

> At 10:23 PM 8/28/00 -0700, Brian Burger wrote:
> >Hi everyone,
> >
> >Just got back this evening from DragonFlight 2000 in Seattle. Very
> >convention, lots of great games, interesting people - including
> >listmembers.
> >
> >Mark 'Hauptmann' was there
> Hiya Brian!  It was nice to make your acquaintance!

Always nice to put faces to listnames!

> > - he played in my FR! scenario, then we had a
> >good 1500pt/side FT game, my Phalon vs his not-Kzinti (can't remember
> >name for them, Mark!).
> K'rathri, the "Not Wing Commander" fleet. :-)
> >The game was mostly a draw - the PH plasma bolts
> >were a rude shock to his squadron, then we worked each other over
well in
> >close-range fire before splitting off. I lost one BDN & one DH with
> >other damaged ships, and Mark lost two CCs and had his DN damaged a
> CHs, actually <G>.  I had a 'lancer' fleet armed mostly with pulse
> and the general fleet design is strictly FB1 / Cinematic.  BTW, thanks
> adjusting your play to Cinematic movement for me - I hadn't tested
*any* of
> the designs under Vector.

They'd work OK - you can 'optimize' ships for vector, but none of the FB
ships are, and your K'rathri are FB-like in style.
> ... and you are right, I *was* shocked by the amount of damage that
> fleet could dish out in a single attack, especially from the cruisers
> escorts.

PH escorts & cruisers are far, far more dangerous than their basic mass
would suggest. An all-Close-tuned PH DH can do 12d of damage inside 12",
plus it's got a Class 1 PBL... You do pay for it all, though - that PH
is 150pts. There are human CLs that're cheaper.

> Here's the TOE I used:
>     (details can be found at
>	[1x] Gr'kakh DNA
>	[2x] Gr'kaahri CH
>	[2x] Jalkekhra DH

I had FB2 stock Phalons: 1x BDN, 2x CC, 2x DH, for I believe 1510pts.
> You're fortunate I didn't surprise you with a Gr'krehri DNG and a pair
> Gr'kakhri CHGs.  I would have loved to see how you would have handled
> pincer attack of 32 MT missiles at the same time. :-)

That would have been ugly, especially seeing as none of my ships had
and PH PDS isn't the best. Of course, any of my ship that survive the
missles are going to shred your empty missle boats...

We'll have to try and organize some sort of full FT event for the next
Seattle con.

Brian - -
- -

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